Dr. Wilfred Van Gorp of the Center for Cognitive Assessment was interviewed for a PsychiatryAdvisor.com article entitled “Mott Poll Report: How Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected Teen Mental Health?”.
“What kind of mental health issues are children, teens, and young adults going through during this COVID-19 pandemic?”
Dr van Gorp: “What I see are a couple of things. One is, whatever they’re going through now is definitely an exacerbation of whatever they were going through before.
For example, if they had, let’s say, attention issues before, whether it rose to the level of ADHD or not before, it’s worse now. If they had some element of sadness before, now they have depression. If they had some anxiety before, now they have clinical anxiety. And if they had an anxiety condition before, it’s worse now. We’re seeing a lot of depression, a lot of anxiety, and then we’re seeing exacerbations of other clinical conditions like ADHD.”