Dr. Wilfred van Gorp was quoted in a Chicago Tribune article entitled “CPS is offering remote learning for students with medical needs. So far the district has received few applications”.


Chicago neuropsychologist Wilfred van Gorp said many of the kids he treats are looking forward to resuming in-person learning because they miss that classroom structure and social interaction.

“Zoom learning does not afford them the type of socialization that really is helpful for their social development,” said van Gorp, whose patients include immunocompromised students and those with learning disabilities.

“I just would predict that that’s a big reason they’re not getting the number of applicants that they had expected they might, because of the diminished social quality that’s absent in Zoom learning. And so it would need to be an overwhelming physical restriction that would have to really keep them at home.”

Read the entire article here. Please click the Read More link in the article to see the entire text.

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