Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) impacts millions of Americans every year. Though ADHD can be found in adults of any ages, the average age of diagnosis for children with moderate levels of ADHD is seven years old.
Unfortunately, far too many parents ignore potential ADD or ADHD symptoms and their children’s cognitive disorders often of undiagnosed. That’s why early ADD testing and ADHD testing is extremely important.
Your number one job as a parent is to take care of your children by any means necessary. If you suspect they could be struggling with cognition issues, there are a few essential steps that you should take.
- Provide emotional support — No matter how old your child is, if they are struggling with cognition issues and potentially have ADHD, you need to make sure you’re providing necessary emotional support. Make sure you’re being honest with them throughout the entire diagnostic process.
- Visit specialists for neuropsychological testing — Working with professionals is your best bet to fully understand what is going on with your child’s cognition. There could be nothing wrong at all or severe ADHD issues, but you’ll never know unless you visit a professional and get quality ADHD testing.
- Monitor your children’s progress — Make sure you’re staying in regular contact with your child’s doctor and neuropsychologist following all cognitive evaluations. If you need to, you can seek a second opinion, but as long as you’re monitoring your children’s progress following the evaluation, including their mood and overall health, you will likely have an accurate diagnosis.
- Provide necessary health information — In addition to monitoring your child’s progress after the evaluation process, you should provide all the health information and medical history to your child’s doctor before the evaluation is underway.
Don’t neglect any aspect of your child’s health, especially when it comes to their cognition. If you want to learn more about free ADHD testing or speak with a trusted neuropsychologist, give the Center For Cognitive Assessment a call today.